5 Tips for Practicing Self Care

How often do you feel tired? Stressed? Low energy or un-inspired? Though there are many lifestyle and mindset factors that play into each of these feelings or experiences, there’s often one key thing that’s missing from the equation: self-care.

Self-Care is a practice that invites you to contribute to your overall physical and mental health that offers relaxation, healthy choices you bring to physical well being, inspiration, and connection to yourself as well as your loved ones.

Regularly practicing your self-care activities is extremely important in maintaining your overall mental and physical well being. Although it may seem like we are not consciously making these efforts it is important that we apply them to our day to amplify are all over well being.

When we become consistent with our self-care routine on a daily basis it shows up in our lives in many different ways, even more so when we least expect it but greatly need it! Don’t feel like you that you have to do these three specific practices that I am sharing to relax and rejuvenate–it will vary from person to person. These are just the three that I feel are so crucial to really embody a state of positive well being.

First, and foremost: Sleep. Sleep is so crucial, and we need to be disciplined with our sleep schedule. You need to stop glorifying your excuses of “I’m too busy” or “I am so exhausted!” Listen up those are repercussions for not managing your sleep schedule! If sleep is not important to you, you will not be disciplined with your sleep routine. Sleep is one of the most important self-care practices.

Gut Health–I preach this daily, multiple times a day to be quite honest. I do this because we need to be conscious of just how important our gut health is when maintaining our over-all well being. You need to check into what needs to be adjusted for you, and if you don’t know? Sis, you need to ask for help!

Third would be alkalinizing your body. An alkaline body will not harbor disease, which sets you up for success when you are practicing strengthing your mental and physical capabilities. Not to mention disease thrives in an acidic environment. Meditation; if it’s not a part of your current self-care routine I would highly recommend adding this practice. There are many free apps out there such as Calm and Headspace that have countless guided meditations for you to practice.

Meditating helps clear your mind of the negativity and open up your headspace for positive abundance.

Last but certainly not least is moving your body! For 30 minutes a day get your blood flowing and body moving. Go for a walk, do a yoga class, grab a bestie, and work out together; accountability is always a plus. Whatever motivates you, and gets your body moving do it. Definitely do something that you love to do so you commit to that activity every day.

Now, remember these are just practices that have helped me practice my self-care habits. It could look differently for you, but the main focus is that you at least dedicate time each and every day to yourself. When you make your physical and mental well-being a daily priority the love for yourself multiplies and is felt as well as appreciated by your loved ones.